Saturday, March 12, 2011

wrinkles from smoking

 at St George's Hall to show the effect smoking has on the skin.

at St George's Hall to show the effect smoking has on the skin.



Smoking Causes Wrinkles. How many drawbacks of smoking can you name?

Smoking Causes Wrinkles. How many drawbacks of smoking can you name?

 even worse habits such as smoking

even worse habits such as smoking

Avoid smoking. Research shows that smokers have significantly more wrinkles

Avoid smoking. Research shows that smokers have significantly more wrinkles

 stop smoking.

stop smoking.

Everyone gets wrinkles on the outside of the eyes eventually,

Everyone gets wrinkles on the outside of the eyes eventually,

Premature aging and wrinkles due to smoking

Premature aging and wrinkles due to smoking

Smoking cuts oxygen flow

Smoking cuts oxygen flow

smoking gives you wrinkles

smoking gives you wrinkles

 complexion marked heavily with wrinkles.

complexion marked heavily with wrinkles.

Deep, coarse wrinkles

Deep, coarse wrinkles

Wrinkles and Smoking

Wrinkles and Smoking

 wrinkles caused by sun-damaged skin or wrinkles around the mouth.

wrinkles caused by sun-damaged skin or wrinkles around the mouth.

The process of aging and its telltale wrinkles is as inevitable as the

The process of aging and its telltale wrinkles is as inevitable as the

While it is true that smoking can cause wrinkles, not everyone is

While it is true that smoking can cause wrinkles, not everyone is

Read full “Smoking Causes Wrinkles”

Read full “Smoking Causes Wrinkles”

WRINKLES, Anti-smoking Campaign, Y&R, Santa Casa De Misericordia De Sao

WRINKLES, Anti-smoking Campaign, Y&R, Santa Casa De Misericordia De Sao

Every chain smoker has eye bags, eye wrinkles and crows feet,

Every chain smoker has eye bags, eye wrinkles and crows feet,

 and neither are lip wrinkles caused from puckering up to Mr. Cigarette.

and neither are lip wrinkles caused from puckering up to Mr. Cigarette.

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